Thursday 28 June 2007

Magazine advert

I am writing about on advert for loreal natural summer face glow.The main picture ia of a very pretty woman and the loreal product beside her.This has been chosen because she has a tan that looks very natural she also has beutiful skin.The coulor scheme is a light brown that reflects of her beutiful tan.The font are black and pink to show its for women but i think men could use it aswell!The target audiance is 16+ but i think teenagers could use it aswell
.Overall i like this advert as it gets your attention i think i might buy the product but i think it might be quite pricy as the price is'nt on the advert. :p
Hi im alice i live in sheffield.This blog is about english and adverts my favriout advert is proberly the one were they make the skoda out of cake jelly icing and things like that i think its amazing :0.English is one of my fav subjects (not lying):).